Frontex Industry Days
The Frontex I-Days allow industry representatives to share the latest technological developments, state-of-the-art and innovative solutions for border security, and showcase their products and services to the end-user community of Member States’ border authorities and Frontex experts. The aim of the I-Days is to create a forum to freely discuss these innovations among all participants.
The following border management capabilities will be of particular interest and focus:
- Innovative, cost-efficient, long-endurance, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems capable of take-off and landing in constrained spaces i.e. VTOL.
- Deployable, autonomous solutions for border surveillance.
- Solutions for law enforcement, portable and mobile equipment used in field mission operations, Evidence Data Recording, data storage and data streaming capabilities i.e. body-worn equipment, land terrain vehicle and maritime vessel cameras etc.
- Solutions for safe detection and identification of hidden persons or illicit goods inside vehicles, ships, or containers.
More than 97 relevant proposals will be made available on this dedicated online platform (marketplace) accessible to all the attendees for one month for browsing solutions.
It will also enable one-on-one virtual meetings with the industry representatives during the whole booking session taking place Dec 6th - December 31st.
Frontex assists EU Member States in supporting the development of modern technologies for the border and coast guard community. As part of its mandate, Frontex regularly meets with industry, researchers and experts from Member States to provide a platform for discussion and help develop new technologies and innovations related to border control. These so-called Industry Days allow for a transparent procedure of consultations with industry representatives. Frontex regularly informs about such meetings on its website.
The agency has developed a Transparency Register to ensure that there is transparency as regards to contacts with industry. All meetings and contacts of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Directors and Heads of Divisions in matters concerning procurement procedures and tenders for services, equipment or outsourced projects and studies are registered in this tool.